- 知名度によって(人)を評価する
judge someone by how widely he is known 意味
- "judge someone by externals" 意味
- "judge someone by his actions" 意味
- "judge someone by his character" 意味
- "judge someone by his degree of success in raising his children" 意味
- "judge someone by his looks" 意味
- "judge someone by one's status" 意味
- "judge someone by the content of his character" 意味
- "judge someone by what he wears" 意味
- "judge someone chiefly by his personal character" 意味
- "judge someone by his degree of success in raising his children" 意味
- "judge someone by his looks" 意味
- "judge someone by one's status" 意味
- "judge someone by the content of his character" 意味